Story | Rankings | From 06 April 2023 to 07 April 2023


ESIEE Paris among the top engineering schools

ESIEE Paris features in the rankings of the various engineering schools in France and abroad and is constantly improving. Each ranking has its own criteria but generally assesses: academic excellence, research, international outreach, relations with companies, professional integration, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Ranked A+ in the ranking by l’Etudiant 


L'Étudiant 2024
●    2nd-ranked post-baccalaureate school
●    1st-ranked post-baccalaureate school in Île-de-France
●    18th overall out of 170 schools ranked
●    An A+ school

The 2024 ranking by L'Etudiant ranks 170 engineering schools that award an engineering degree accredited by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI).

 See the 2024 ranking by L'Etudiant (in french)

Eduniversal 2024
6th-ranked post-bac general engineering school 1st-ranked post-bac school in Ile-de-France

 See the Eduniversal 2024 ranking (in french)

Happy At School® 2022
13th best engineering school out of 200
This new ranking is based exclusively on the opinions of students from more than 100 engineering schools.

 See the Happy At School® 2022 ranking (in french)

Happy At School® Women 2023
For the first edition of the Happy AtSchool / Women ranking, ESIEE Paris is ranked 6th among schools offering the best student experience for women.

L'Usine Nouvelle 2023
25th-ranked engineering school out of 128 schools

 See the Usine Nouvelle 2024 ranking (in french)

Le Figaro 2024
5th best IT engineering school

 See the Figaro 2024 ranking (in french)

International ranking

CWUR Ranking 2024
Université Gustave Eiffel, of whom ESIEE Paris is a founding member, is ranked 613th out of 20,000 higher education establishments in this international ranking. This places the university in the top 3% worldwide. 

 See the ranking

2022 Shanghai ranking by subject 
Université Gustave Eiffel, of which ESIEE Paris is a founding member, features in 11 subjects. It is in the world's top 100 in three subjects.

 See the 2022 Shanghai ranking by subject

U-Multirank 2022 ranking
ESIEE Paris is one of the 123 French institutions included in this ranking: 19th engineering school.
ESIEE Paris is in the world's Top 25 for collaboration.

 See the U-Multirank 2022 ranking


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